Monday, November 22, 2010

Fresh Snow Cream

Hello out there - with the weather being so cold and the chance of snow this week.  I thought I would share a Fresh Snow Cream recipe with everyone.


Snow Cream Recipe
Fresh Snow

1/2 Can of Evaporated Cream

3 cups of Milk

1 full tsp of Vanilla

Sugar (I use 1 cup)

Food Coloring

First you want to bundle up and head outside with a large bowl and something to scoop the snow. Now you want to scoop up fresh snow. Gather more, and then you can decide how much you need. After you come back in, make sure everything is lined on the counter, ready to go. This will help, as snow will melt.

Add Evaporated Milk, milk, vanilla, sugar, and food coloring to bowl. Mix well. Now start adding in your snow. Taste as you go, to make sure you have the right, sweet taste

How about some snow ice cream - it's yummie!

The first step is to put out a large bowl or pan to collect the snow as it falls. Or if there is already a nice thick layer of snow on the ground, then the top of the snow can be scrapped off and the snow collected from the clean middle section. We use a large metal bowl to make our snow ice cream but any large bowl or pan can be used. Approximately, one gallon of clean , fresh snow is needed to prepare this recipe.

Once one gallon of snow is collected, add the following ingredients to the bowl:

approximately 1 cup of milk, either whole or canned

3/4 to 1 cup of white granulated sugar

1/2 teaspoon of almond extract, more or less according to taste

a pinch of salt

a drop of pink food coloring

Stir all together. Dish up immediately into individual servings and enjoy. 

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